Frequently Asked Questions

Coaching is being a guide who will challenge and support someone to take one step forward.

Everyone desires to leave a legacy after they are gone. As The Legacy Coach it will be my goal to change the mindset from leaving to living a legacy now.

Legacy coaching is NOT therapy; however, it is designed to dismantle limiting beliefs and set your heart on the big picture.

I have been a sports coach for decades who has always seen the person over the player. I became The Legacy Coach after a near death experience where I realized that my actions now are more important than mere memories after I’m gone.

Yes, Lighthouse Legacies is founded on the idea of helping individuals and teams live a legacy now that will be remembered later.

Both men and women want to be remembered later and we will work together to ensure that that people can impact lives today. The memories will take care of themselves.

Free Consultation

I will personally speak with you and together we will  determine if you’re ready to start living your legacy.